Category Writing

Journaling: Notebooks

So, how is everyone doing? February feels like it’s three-months long, doesn’t it? True to my decision to start posting here more often, here I am again after a month with a very interesting update about notebooks! Because why not…

The Very Bad Writer

In 2018 I submitted short stories 78 times. Out of these I got exactly one story accepted for publication. I am a bad writer. Eleven submissions are still out, but all the rest are rejections. So yeah, I find it…

Author interview on the DeadSteam website

The DeadSteam anthology, which has my my story “A Visitor at Sultana’s Castle,” is coming out next week (October 1) but you can preorder right now. And you can also read my interview on the DeadSteam website. I can promise…

Send Us Your Best Work

Demoralizing, exasperating, demotivating, patronizing, simply soul crushing calls for submissions: Please send us your best work. Do not sent us stories that have been rejected by other publications. Edit thoroughly and send us only your cleanest work. Format according to…

Feminizing the canon, are we?

The Paris Review has started this new column they call “Feminize Your Canon,” which looks like the best idea I’ve seen lately in support of women’s writing. There is a but, though. It depressed me like nothing else. If you…

The smallness

  It’s something that the human brain cannot really process: our own smallness. I have been having to deal with a lot of rejection coming my way lately. Since January I haven’t had any story accepted for publication, although I…

Women keepers of ritual and the Caloian

I have an article up on Feminism and Religion today about the Caloian, a rain ritual that I learned and practiced as a child. It spooked me then and it still does now (there is a dead mud-child in this…